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Snowshoe Cat Rescue Network


Organizations which can help you to locate or transport a Snowshoe cat.

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The official web site for the International Cat Lovers club. Contains information and photos and links to online groups and other web sites devoted to the Snowshoe cat.
Not dedicated solely to Snowshoes they are active in
Siamese type rescue, including Snowshoes.
Usually has Siamese mix/Snowshoe type cats available.
Usually has Snowshoe/Siamese mix cats available.
The Siamese Cat Lover organization usually includes Snowshoes.
Snowshoe Cat Rescue is an online group dedicated to the rescue of Snowshoe cats. This group is not affiliated with the Snowshoe Cat Rescue Network but may be a good source of information on homeless Snowshoe cats.

Care Animals Rescue

Sometimes has Snowshoes/Siamese mix cats

Merlin's Hope Cat Rescue

This page last updated 15 August 2005